maximize profit

美 [ˈmæksɪmaɪz ˈprɑːfɪt]英 [ˈmæksɪmaɪz ˈprɒfɪt]
  • 利润最大化
maximize profitmaximize profit
  1. How to control the engineering project cost to maximize profit is what is earnestly cared of by and one of the research topics of the operators .


  2. The main purpose of Investment behavior is profit for poplar fast-growing and high-yield plantation development , the operator ' goal is to maximize profit .


  3. In order to maximize profit the firm would seek to maximize output


  4. To maximize profit , manufacturers must balance between time and costs .


  5. The cost reduction the core and the only way to maximize profit .


  6. The goal of a competitive firm is to maximize profit .


  7. According to these two characteristics , the paper aimed at maximize profit established optimal order model for analyzing .


  8. The oil companies should better balance of market share and profit share in order to maximize profit .


  9. The generation companies need to establish a suitable bidding strategy to maximize profit at the lowest risk realization .


  10. Incentives : what do managers and workers care about ? Do they try to maximize profit ?


  11. Every decision-maker wants to optimize their objective functions and they face with two criterias ( maximize profit and minimum risk ) .


  12. Cost calculation , participate the product selling price , ensure that the price are set at optimum level to maximize profit while remaining competitive .


  13. Using rule and message system and apportionment of credit system for reference , the algorithm simulates the course of firms setting price to maximize profit by gradually learning .


  14. Economic theory normally assumes that firms seek to maximize profit for the owners of the firm , or the maximization of shareholders ' wealth .


  15. The aim for bank to apply customer relationship management is to improve the capability of whole service and to set up long term relationship with customers so as to maximize profit .


  16. Marketing : covers the complexity of planning , managing and implementing marketing programs for various industries to maximize profit , improve customer satisfaction , and generate brand loyalty .


  17. For instance , earlier this year the New York Times highlighted scheduling software used by Starbucks and others that were designed to maximize profit by treating employees like commodities .


  18. It is a centerpiece of corporate governance study how to improve producing and management efficiency and reduce agency cost in competitive markets , only to maximize profit or shareholder wealth .


  19. However , as the substitutable relationship between liquidity and profitability , the bank should choose a equilibrium point so as to maximize profit , which is analyzed by indifference curve .


  20. This study can maintain rates of different file formats automatically and using the minimum rate algorithms . Improve the international voice business to maximize profit margins , so that the system be reflected fully intelligent and practical .


  21. With market-oriented economy developing fast , whether the film industry as the cultural industry , or the tourism industry as the leisure services , both of them need to maximize profit to survive in the fierce competition in the market .


  22. Finally , aiming at maximize profit of resources providers and minimize spending of users under the response time of users ' service and budget constraints , a new dynamic resource pricing model , based on combinatorial double auction , is proposed .


  23. And this paper uses genetic algorithm to solve the model , working out the vehicle scheduling scheme of the logistics and transport companies within a week . At the same time it makes the waiting time reduced to a minimum , so as to maximize profit .


  24. The algorithm shows that , when there exists no any common optimal approximating solution between the function of profit and the function of risk , to maximize profit will increase risk , and hence the bank is unable to achieve their profit goal with accepted risk criterion .


  25. Cost management is one of the main methods to maximize the profit of enterprises .


  26. Financial institutions should maximize their profit to secure their existence and development .


  27. The final object of a company is to maximize its profit .


  28. Businessmen are used to turning their capital to good account to maximize their profit .


  29. The direct purpose of a company founded is to maximize its profit and achieve long-term development .


  30. To maximize its profit , supplier adopts quantity discounts to screen the retailers .
